Accra, Ghana – May 2024 – Sanitary Pads and Food Donated to Nsawam Female Prison Department

In a gesture of support and care, Marvic Global Foundation just donated a significant quantity of sanitary pads and essential food items to the Nsawam Female Prison Department.
This donation aims to address the basic needs of the female inmates and ensure their well-being during their incarceration. The sanitary pads will provide much-needed menstrual hygiene products, while the food items will supplement the prison’s food supplies.



“We are honoured to donate [quantity] boxes of sanitary pads and a variety of essential food items, including [list a few examples of food items], to the Nsawam Female Prison Department. These basic necessities will play a vital role in ensuring the health and dignity of the female inmates during their time here,” said Edith Carta-Williams, the Executive Secretary of Marvic Global Foundation.



“On behalf of the Nsawam Female Prison Department, I would like to express our sincere gratitude to Marvic Global Foundation for this generous donation. Sanitary pads are a constant need, and this contribution will ensure our female inmates have access to essential hygiene products. The food items will be a welcome addition to our supplies, providing much-needed nourishment and variety to their meals. We appreciate Marvic Global Foundation’ s commitment to the well-being of our inmate population,” an official responded in appreciation.



Marvic Global Foundation is committed to supporting the well-being of all members of society, including those who are incarcerated. This donation is part of the organization’s ongoing efforts to give back to the community and make a positive impact on the lives of others.

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